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Spires Integrated Primary School, Magherafelt
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Parents' Community

Spires Integrated Primary School Parents’ Community


The Parents’ Community aims to enhance the school experience for families by facilitating communication among pupils, parents, the board of governors and the wider community. 


Established in November 2017, the committee continues to build on the considerable work carried out since then and is an important part of the school community. 


We acknowledge the massive amount of work the school puts into not just keeping things on track, but to constantly trying to do better and raise standards for the benefit of all our children.


We would strongly encourage other parents to join us, get involved and ensure your voice is heard. 



Work carried out by the Parents’ Community on your behalf in 2018 include:


  1. Donated funds to school - £2300 to replace interactive board for P5
  2. Purchased reusable cups for coffee mornings and various functions. 
  3. Family Fun Night
  4. Halloween Disco
  5. Monthly coffee mornings
  6. Big Breakfast
  7. Quiz Night
  8. Coffee morning for Motor Neurones Disease Association
  9. Set up Easy Funding page.


19th Jun 2024
Many thanks to everyone for you continued support and a special thanks to our Parents'...
15th Dec 2023
We had a brilliant time at the cinema 🎦 a special wee treat just before Christmas...
23rd Feb 2023
Thanks to everyone who supported our Parent Community Big Breakfast event! 
